by anhetech



loda is a real, reliable and convenient online shopping platform.

Loda is a true, reliable, and convenient online shopping platform. Software can choose a total of Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and other countries, our service allows you to achieve true online shopping without borders, no difference, no distance. Here you can easily anywhere online shopping a variety of products.Fixed BUG

Read trusted reviews from application customers

កម្មវិធីឆែកតាមរូបថតម្តងចេញម្តងអត់ ស៊ី internet ណាស់ ហើយបើនិយាយពីពេលគ្រាន់តែដូរមើលកម្មវិធីផ្សេងបន្តិច លោតចូលមកសាដើមវិញ និយាយទៅ ធុញ បើកែកំហុសទាំងនេះបាន ខ្ញុំឱ្យ ៥ stars



chorn borat


រ៉េត ផារ៉ា៚

I send my money from aba to loda but my balance still 0 and i wait for an hour and try request again and wait but still didn't get then send a massage to messenger i told to send my money back but they didn't send it back so i lose my money for nothing.

យិន ច័ន្ទពិដោរ

ដំណើរការយ៉ាប់ទៅៗ អាដេតយូរៗទៅសូមម្បីតែកន្លែងបញ្ចូលលុយក៏លែងមានលេខកូដអ្នកទទួលដែរ មិនត្រឹមតែប៉ុនោះដាក់បញ្ចូលលុយពីរបីដងមិនចូលថែមទៀតផង សេវ៉ាកម្មមហាយឺត 12ថ្ងៃអីមិនទាន់បញ្ចេញទំនិញពីអ្នកលក់ចូលឃ្លាំងចិនផង មិនចេះតែថាទេណា ជួបពិត មានទាំងភស្តុតាងថែមទៀត Bed app slowly sometimes not working

Kong Sovann

I give you 3 star because top up take a long time. Please find more solutions.

Chao Sokha

Best app



Ni Ta

The worst delivery app I've ever used

Chhaya Yong

Good 😊☺️

ling shiny